Thursday 29 August 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days

A while ago I subscribed to a blog by an inspiring artist Leslie Seata. She really knows how to motivate. Her latest email threw out the challenge to paint 30 paintings in 30 days. Wow! Can I do this??
Well if you don't try you'll never know so I've taken up the challenge and signed up.
Each day the artists involved post their painting to Leslie's blog. I am number 238 to sign up.
It will be interesting to look at the paintings every day and see what the others are coming up with.
I wonder if how many will be able to fulfill the task?? Will I be one of them??
I will post my paintings here as I do them so watch this space. If you feel you'd like to have a go here is the link

30 prepared panels and boards


  1. That's quite some commitment, Mo. I look forward to seeing your posts. I like the way you've done all the preparation. Good way to make sure there are no barriers in the way. :-)

  2. Someone did suggest I might run out of paint. Hadn't thought of that one!


I welcome your comments and am open to positive criticism.