Wednesday 22nd -Thursday 23rd October 2014
Paint Out Norwich is a 2-day en Plein Air
painting competition during the October Norwich Cathedral Hostry festival.
28 artists were selected to paint at seven selected prominent Norwich city venues.
I was lucky to be one of those selected.
Haidee-Jo picked me up Tuesday afternoon and we drove to Norwich Cathedral to meet all the artists and organisers. We were given hoodies and hats bearing the Paint Out logo and told where we would be painting.
We were allocated one venue in the morning and given three hours to complete our picture and hand it in, then our canvas for the afternoon session was stamped and we went off to a different venue for the next three hour session.
Now this all sounds fine but do bear in mind I am still in a wheelchair after breaking my ankle in France. My dear friend Haidee was staying with me and drove us in each morning, there started the first problem - Norwich morning traffic. Needless to say we were late. Next obstacle was getting to the allocated venue. The organisers were brilliant and had volunteers to push me, (do you know how many cobbled street there are in Norwich???)
My first subject was Norwich Market
The finished painting was done in less than two and a half hours as not not only was I late but I spent so much time talking to interested passers by (including the local alcoholics). Then, just when I had only ten minutes for the final details, a bin lorry parked in front of me. Oh the joys of Plein Air!
Flower Stall, Norwich Market 14" x 18"
In the afternoon we were sent off to Elm Hill. A popular spot for artists, unfortunately scaffolding had gone up overnight obliterating one of the best views. This didn't put Haidee off - she painted it and won first prize for her painting, clever girl. I went slightly further down, drawn by the splash of sunlight. Late again I had just two and a half hours. Fortunately it was a lot quieter there than the market and I was able to crack on.
Sunlight at Elm Hill 18" x 14"
The second day we were predictably late again but getting more laid back about it. We had to paint the Catholic Cathedral,of St John's a subject we were not excited about. I chose a smaller canvas as I had even less time today but in the end when I'd found a spot out of the biting wind, I really enjoyed my subject
St John's Cathedral
The afternoon - yes, late again, we went to Pull's Ferry. I'd seen paintings of it but never knew where it was. Bit of a chocolate box subject but I think I managed to rough it up a bit.
Pull's Ferry
Painting at Pull's Ferry
After handing in our final paintings Frank came to meet me and we went for a welcome meal and drink before heading back to the Hostry for the opening of the exhibition and auction. The auctioneer chose one painting from each artist to auction. There was such a buzz in the place and paintings went for a lot of money and sales were good too.
I spent Friday with my swollen foot elevated and a smile on my face. The organisers were brilliant and I met so many good artists that I can now call friends. I am looking forward to next year's event which will I'm sure, be bigger and better.