Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Day Three

I took my easel out into the garden this morning. I spend a lot of time designing and tending the garden and friends always say 'I bet you paint out here a lot' The answer I'm afraid to say is , no. Usually if I'm in the garden, I'm weeding!
The potting shed as we call it has always appealed to me, so this challenge is the push I need to get out there

The light was a bit flat as the sun was on the other side of the massive Chestnut tree but I sketched it out with a thin mix of Ultra and Cad Red.

I decided to leave out the sun dial and the white jugs as I thought it would be too busy. 
I then put in the darks

Oops , suddenly it was lunch time. I had an appointment at 1pm so put the easel under shelter as the sky looked a bit ominous.
The light had changed completely when I got back and I was keeping my fingers crossed for a bit of sunshine. It finally came out for about a minute. I was too slow to grab my camera and it was gone, not to be seen again. I had to work from memory for the last part but on the whole was quite pleased with my efforts. I will have to revisit my potting shed on a sunny day.


  1. The sunlight on the steps invites me in - nice touch!

  2. That's inspirational, we need to make the most of the beautiful weather we are having


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